Thought Leadership


Build advocates & own your audience

It's now easier than ever to listen to podcasts. There is a podcast app pre-installed on every device, and it only takes a few clicks to subscribe to a show. The podcast hosting platforms also notify subscribers each time a new episode is available to listen to and download.

Currently, nothing is stopping the rise of podcasts as on-demand listening has become the go-to choice for people all over the globe. With over 800,000 active podcasts and over 54 million episodes worldwide (and growing), the demand is apparent.

As a business, it's time to leverage these listeners and cater to your audience by starting a podcast.

The beauty of podcasting is that you can create audio and video podcasts, giving listeners an option to choose how they interact. In the meantime, you get one-on-one time with your listeners to share your knowledge, expertise, and experience as they get to know, like and trust you and your business.



Listen to Our Shows

The Inspectations Podcast
MIDI Innovation Vault

How TAG Creates Thought Leadership

Podcasts & Vlogs

Creating content that is native to folks' consumer habits is vital to creating value during the customer acquisition phase of business development.


Relevant and timely entries that come from what you do everyday is a great way to connect with both prospects and clients alike.

Articles & eBooks
Articles & eBooks

Today is the best time to publish your own content. White papers, paid article placement and eBooks are all great ways to give value.

Email Strategy

Let your community know you have created new value for them. Email is STILL one of the most effective ways to stay top of mind.


Developing deep and lasting relationships allows you to gain the audacity to ask clients about their experience and share their story.

Analytics with Purpose
Analytics With Purpose

We work hard to make sure that if we recommend to do something, there are measurable results that can be reviewed and analyzed.

Start Your Podcast Today

Put The Aebli Group to the test

Our primary goal is to create a platform to ensure that your efforts are scalable and repeatable and in turn, lead to more sales. Interested in working together? Contact us today!

Contact Us
(207) 536-8989